Tisha b’Av – #LivingWagesNow Contemplation and Action – July 27, 2023 – 3 PM to 6 PM
CLUE Justice, UNITE HERE! Local 11, Bend the Arc Jewish Action, the Boyle Heights Chavurah, IfNotNow LA, Nefesh and Pico Union Project call for #LivingWagesNow at a Tisha b’Av Contemplation and Action!
Tisha b’Av is a Jewish day of mourning, commemorating the destruction of the Temples in Jerusalem and other tragedies and injustices. On the saddest day of the Jewish calendar, we will mourn poverty wages and deplorable working conditions of hospitality workers, and imagine a society where every worker enjoys dignity. Join us at Pico Union Project (near Downtown LA) at 3 PM.
3:00 p.m. – gathering at Pico Union Project for rituals and learnings
4:30 p.m. – solidarity action with workers
Pico Union Project – 1153 Valencia Street, Los Angeles, CA 90015
Parking: Limited on-site parking is available – we encourage folks to carpool, take rideshares, or take transit.