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Sign Up for Action Alerts

Responding Together, Across Religions & Regions

CLUE keeps our fingers on the pulse of a multitude of justice campaigns throughout Los Angeles County and Orange County, and organizes people of faith to respond to those crying out for accompaniment.

We encourage you to join our rapid-response network of clergy and lay leaders by signing up for our periodic action alerts. We will notify you of urgent actions or opportunities to provide pastoral care, near you.

Accompanying Workers

  • 2nd Annual Worker Justice Tisha b’Av Ritual and Advocacy

    We mourn the plight of tourism workers and call on the LA City Council to to pass the Tourism Workers Rising Living Wage Ordinance! On the saddest day of the Jewish calendar, people of all faiths will join together for sacred rituals of mourning and action in solidarity to pass the Tourism Workers Living Wage Ordinance!

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