Working For Justice

Justice For Workers

Hotel workers have a 40 percent higher injury rate than other service workers, and out of all hotel workers, housekeepers get hurt most often.

“A man dies when he refuses to stand up for that which is right. A man dies when he refuses to stand up for justice. A man dies when he refuses to take a stand for that which is true.”

MARTIN lUTHER king, jr

Housekeepers are under pressure to clean too many rooms in too short a time, and then to leave them pristine. This means they don’t take breaks and work off the clock to meet their quotas. Hotel workers also regularly face sexual harassment from guests and colleagues, and when they report it, hotel companies ignore them.

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim.”

– Quoted Person

CLUE has been active for decades in unionizing campaigns for hotel workers across Southern California, including in Santa Monica, downtown Los Angeles, Anaheim, and Long Beach, among others. We take part in picket lines, join delegations that meet with management, share workers’ stories from the pulpits of our churches, and conduct dramatic actions to highlight the sacrifices workers and immigrants make to survive in their jobs.

Working For Justice

  • 2nd Annual Worker Justice Tisha b’Av Ritual and Advocacy

    We mourn the plight of tourism workers and call on the LA City Council to to pass the Tourism Workers Rising Living Wage Ordinance! On the saddest day of the Jewish calendar, people of all faiths will join together for sacred rituals of mourning and action in solidarity to pass the Tourism Workers Living Wage Ordinance!

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Our Resources

2nd Annual Worker Justice Tisha b’Av Ritual and Advocacy

We mourn the plight of tourism workers and call on the LA City Council to to pass the Tourism Workers Rising Living Wage Ordinance!

On the saddest day of the Jewish calendar, people of all faiths will join together for sacred rituals of mourning and action in solidarity to pass the Tourism Workers Living Wage Ordinance!

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400 USCIS Workers in Laguna Niguel are Threatened

URGE THE DIRECTORS TO STOP THE LAYOFFS At the intersection of immigration and economic justice sits the US Citizenship and Immigration California Service Center in Laguna Niguel. Right now, the Department of Homeland Security is preparing to close that office and lay off 400 employees, many of whom have been working there for decades. Highly

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May 2024 – Sacred Solidarity Scoreboard in the Hospitality Workers Campaign

CLUE was honored to join unions, immigration justice advocates, and community from across LA for the annual May Day march in Los Angeles! Celebrating the incredible accomplishments of last year’s Summer of Solidarity including the Hollywood strikes, we came together to continue fighting for worker justice, housing and citizenship for all, and peace!

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April 2024 – Sacred Solidarity Scoreboard in the Hospitality Workers Campaign

As we move through April 2024, we want to share some great news and the continued struggle. See our March solidarity scoreboard for previous month’s victories. Santa Monica Workers Parade On April 12, CLUE members joined hands with hospitality workers at the Santa Monica Workers Parade, standing together in solidarity for justice. This powerful event

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