Solidarity With Belen 2023


Belén deserves a living wage, a humane workload, affordable family healthcare, and a pension plan that will allow her to retire with dignity.

You Can Help Her Get It.

Belén knew her 45-cent raise was never going to match her rent increase.

But then she opened her check and did the math. “Two dozen eggs,” she sighed. “This is going to be a fight.”

Poverty wages are why Belen and 15,000 other hospitality workers in Southern California voted overwhelmingly in June to strike when their contracts ended.

What is Belén up against? Executives at multinational companies, especially those owned by private equity firms. They get paid to “maximize shareholder profits.” 

How do they do it? On the backs of workers like Belén—folks on the bottom of the economic ladder, who live paycheck to paycheck, one emergency from homelessness. They bank on desperation: that workers will cave.

But Belén feels the power of sacred solidarity. And with your support, sacred solidarity will help Belén win her struggle.

Fuel the organized, connected, interfaith movement that will accompany people like Belén until justice is won.

Your gift today…
  • Helps organize kindred spirits to walk picket lines and pray with workers as they stand up to bosses.
  • Brings together workers, community leaders, and clergy across beliefs and boundaries in acts of prophetic witness that amplify workers’ calls to live where they work.
  • Enables communities to collaborate on strategic campaigns to build a more sacred and just society.

Belén’s fight is your fight. She must win because her win means more sacred and just communities in Southern California.