Los Angeles

2nd Annual Worker Justice Tisha b’Av Ritual and Advocacy

20 July 2024

We mourn the plight of tourism workers and call on the LA City Council to to pass the Tourism Workers Rising Living Wage Ordinance!

On the saddest day of the Jewish calendar, people of all faiths will join together for sacred rituals of mourning and action in solidarity to pass the Tourism Workers Living Wage Ordinance!

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Sacred Solidarity and Calls for Justice in Santa Monica

22 February 2024

On Tuesday, February 27th, Santa Monica CLUE members and workers joined together to present a letter from more than 500 CLUE members and faith leaders to the City Council demanding accountability and an investigation into retaliation and unfair labor practices at the Viceroy and Le Méridien Delfina hotels. Before submitting the letter to the Council,

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LA Welcomes Collective: A CLUE Partnership with the Good People of Los Angeles

30 October 2023

Let’s begin with an acknowledgement that people who live in safe communities, with some modicum of economic sufficiency, do not choose to leave their homes, social structures, cultures, friends and family, and undertake difficult and possibly dangerous journeys to a new country. 

Yet war, starvation, violence and natural disasters are driving millions of people around the world to do this now, desperately seeking a safer, better life for themselves and their families.

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Muchos Autobuses, Mucha Necesidad

20 September 2023

El LA Welcomes Collective ha dado la bienvenida a 14 autobuses llenos de migrantes enviados desde Texas.

Mientras que el gobernador de Texas no proporciona ninguna advertencia o apoyo, el LA Welcomes Collective ofrece compasión, humanidad y una bienvenida amistosa.

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So Many Buses, So Much Need

12 September 2023

The LA Welcomes Collective has now welcomed in 14 busloads of migrant families sent from Texas.

While the Texas governor provides no warning or support, the LA Welcomes Collective offers compassion, humanity and a friendly greeting.

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LA Welcomes Collective

23 July 2023

Los Angeles has seen an influx of asylum seekers from Texas since mid-June, with six busloads arriving. The most recent bus, which arrived on July 13, 2023, brought twenty-six people from Venezuela, Mexico, Honduras, and Peru, with over a third of them being children and teenagers aged 17 and under. These arrivals are part of

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All Saints Church Pasadena

19 July 2023

All Saints Church Pasadena hosted workers from the Hyatt Regency for lunch and a rally with parishioners. “In our tradition, we are in a relationship with a brown Jesus that struggled, was overpoliced, and didn’t get the wages he deserved,” Associate Rector Mark Chase said. “He served in a neighborhood where workers didn’t get the wages

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Amid a Housing Crisis, a Rally of Thousands of Workers Demands Livable Wages

16 June 2023

In the wake of the pandemic, the tourism industry, a crucial component of the region’s economy, has experienced unprecedented levels of success. However, the hardworking hospitality workers have been left struggling to maintain their livelihoods and even their homes. These workers face unparalleled challenges. With more than 100 contracts expiring this year, the organization aims

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